よく神社に「おもかる石」と呼ばれる石が置いてある。 自分の願いを思ってその石を持ち上げたときに、一般的には想像以上に重く感じた場合は願いは叶いがたく、軽く感じた場合は願いは叶いやすいとされているものだ。 単純な占いだがまあ意外と的を得ているようにも感じられる。
Often at shrines, there's a stone called the 'Omokaru Stone'. It is said that when you lift this stone while thinking of a wish, if it feels heavier than you expected, it signifies that your wish will be difficult to fulfill, whereas if it feels lighter, your wish is likely to come true. It's a simple form of divination, but it can feel somewhat accurate.
Ultimately, if you attempt to lift it with minimal effort, thinking 'it should lift this easily,' it will feel 'heavy'. If you don't underestimate it and lift with full effort, it will feel 'light.' This could be said to reflect one's mindset and approach when tackling any endeavor.
However, this is a matter of mental perspective. When it comes to photography, that's a different story altogether. The perceived weight of the stone can differ when you're there in person compared to seeing it in a photograph, and even varies depending on the photograph itself.
It seems that even by just changing the way you support it with your hand, the weight feels slightly different
Even if the original photo is the same, of course, the finishing touches can change it.
これはまたちょっと違うけど、内容的に「重い」とか「軽い」という評価も写真の場合はよく言われるけれど、結局は仕上げや組み合わせで、同じ題材であっても重く感じたり軽く感じたりする。それにそういうケースではキャッチコピーとか説明とかによっても写真の重さ軽さは全く違ったものになってしまう。 なんでも仕上げ次第と言えばそれまでだけど。
This is a bit different, but in terms of content, photographs are often described as 'heavy' or 'light'. In the end, even with the same subject, the feeling of heaviness or lightness can change depending on the finishing and combination. In such cases, the perceived weight or lightness of a photograph can be completely altered by the caption or description that accompanies it. One could say it all depends on the finishing touches.
Oh, that's heavy... haha.
It can become heavy or light, depending on the finishing touches.
写真の仕上げは大事ですよ〜 という結論でもよいのだけど、実は現実もそんなところなのかも知れない。
圧倒的に悲惨であったり、ひどい状況でないかぎり、ほとんどの人は端からみたらなんということもない日常を重く感じたり軽く感じたりしていて、苦しく感じたり、幸せを感じたりしている。 「考え方次第、捉え方次第」と言われても「私はそんな風に思えない、考え方は変わらない」からなかなか現実の重さは変わらないけれど、「仕上げ次第」と考えたら、まだ何か自分でできることがあるのかもしれないと考えられるかもしれない。
I can conclude this with "The finishing touches on a photograph are crucial", but actually, reality might be similar in that regard.
Except in overwhelmingly tragic or terrible situations, most people feel the heaviness or lightness of their seemingly mundane daily lives from an outsider's perspective, experiencing both hardship and happiness. Even if told it all depends on 'attitude' and 'perception,' one might think 'I can't feel that way; my way of thinking won't change,' making the weight of reality hard to shift. However, if you think of it as 'depending on the finishing touches,' there might still be something you can do about it.